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Donate to Macey's Military to Help Find a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes

OC Kids Giving Back

Hi! My name is Macey and I’m 13 years old. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 7, and I’ve been helping support JDRF as long as I can remember. JDRF, which is Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, is a 501c3 non-profit that raises money to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.

When you have T1D, your body stops producing insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. Managing the disease is a constant struggle that involves monitoring your blood-sugar level, administering insulin, and carefully balancing these insulin doses with your eating and activity. Even with a strict regimen, people with T1D may still experience dangerously high or low blood-glucose levels that can, in extreme cases, be life threatening.

With T1D there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope. And that’s why our team is supporting the JDRF One Walk this year.

Our team is called Macey’s Military and we are excited to join the JDRF One Walk to help end T1D . We hope you will join our team or donate to our fundraising goal of $15,000! By joining the JDRF One Walk, you'll be part of the lasting footprint we'll make for the T1D community now, and for generations to come.

To join our walk, click here: Join Macey's Military

To donate, click here: Donate to JDRF/Macey's Military

Thank you for your support!


© 2016 By Brooke Rowen

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